Die Heinz-Erhardt-Show
A unique homage to the man with the glasses!
Heinz Erhardt was and is the founding father of German comedy, the entertainer of the economic miracle, an unmatched joker and prankster, the uncrowned king of puns.
The shadow and hand theater virtuoso Günter Fortmeier and the cabaret artists Frank Sauer and Volkmar Staub bring him back to life in the HEINZ-ERHARDT-SHOW and revive his texts, songs, and sketches without trying to imitate him in a suicidal attempt. Each in their own artistic way, they mold the poems until they squeak, they noodle, mime, hip-hop, quote, and recite to their hearts' content. And there's plenty to recite! Even stone-cold sober, one still feels like they've had a few drinks when experiencing Erhardt's timeless sketches and poetic creations that make you do and laugh.