The Komische Nacht (Funny Night) is one of the most successful live comedy formats in Germany. In the most beautiful cafés, bars, and restaurants of a city, guests along with their friends and family experience a lively evening at this unprecedented show - with the best entertainment provided by various comedians, cabaret artists, and other comedians. No Funny Night is like the other.
The unique comedy marathon, in the anniversary year 2023, has been successfully taking place for 15 years in over 40 German cities (including Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Hannover, Münster, Oldenburg, and Lüneburg).
In collaboration with several restaurateurs, the agency MITUNSKANNMAN.REDEN. presents various comedians and other fun-makers on one evening, who entertain their audience in a diverse and entertaining way throughout the evening. Known for their performances at Quatsch Comedy Club, Nightwash, and the Funny Night, the artists guarantee an enjoyable evening in a convivial atmosphere with food and drinks.
The Komische Nacht offers a remarkable cross-section of the current comedy scene in Germany. In each venue, up to 5 comedians perform for about 20 minutes each in one evening. The best part: at the Funny Night, visitors do not have to wander from place to place to see different comedians, instead, each guest buys a ticket for their favorite venue. It is the artists who move from club to club. For the entrance fee, you receive an evening-long and highly entertaining program in a cozy atmosphere.
Admission from approximately 6:00 pm
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