Friday, 12/13/2024
at 8:00 PM

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There they stand again, our two club philosophers Fritz and Hermann, like ox and donkey by the manger. Because year after year, right in between November 11 and Ash Wednesday, right in the middle of the most beautiful time of the year, the Christmas festival brutally pushes in. And right after that, the turn of the year. Time for packages and interim assessments. And Fritz and Hermann make use of it like every year. They follow a thousandfold wish, without regard for the dangers they may expose themselves to in times of war and heating terror - one never knows what surprise is in the packages! Cluster bombs? Bribes? Heat protection plan? A new cabinet? - And unpack whatever is granted to us! Package by package. Packages with songs, ideas, and prejudices. Popular, evil, old as well as new and of course, as always, answers to questions that actually no one has asked.

The press refers to them as "the revenants of Pat and Patachon" (Frankfurter Rundschau), as "the Rhenish answer to Gerhard Polt" (Rheinische Post), Viola Roggenkamp stated in wise foresight already 30 years ago in ZEIT: "no one has more to share in the current 'sitewation' in this country than cabaret artists Rainer Pause and Norbert Alich!"

Event data provided by: Kulturkurier

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