Dornröschen - Mitspieltheater
In the royal castle, there are only twelve golden place settings. One of the fairies cannot be invited to Sleeping Beauty's birth. This fairy curses Sleeping Beauty. However, the twelfth fairy is able to mitigate this curse. Thus, the girl pricks herself on the enchanted spindle and falls into a deep sleep. While she sleeps, an impenetrable thorn hedge grows around her castle. Many princes try to penetrate the thorn hedge... in vain. Only for the prince who appears at the right time and place do the thorns transform into roses - and so he can awaken Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.
We present this fairy tale as interactive theater. The special feature is that an actor accompanied by music tells and performs the fairy tale by slipping into the various fairy tale characters and roles. Children are not only allowed to listen attentively to the fairy tale, but also actively participate. They can shout their thoughts and ideas to the actor on stage, who spontaneously integrates these impulses into the story. In addition, children can participate on stage with small props at many points! This creates an interactive and unique theater play between the storyteller and the children.
Experience a unique production for the whole family by Johannes Galli with specially composed music by Johannes Galli & Michael Summ.
You will receive the CD with all the fairytale songs from the play (including playback versions & song lyrics) from us after the performance.
Doors open 30 minutes before.