Lena Marbacher - Arbeit Macht Missbrauch. Eine Gesellschaftskritik
Abuse of power is not an isolated case, but a societal problem. We are all involved. In her social critique, journalist and author Lena Marbacher explores how we can change this.
Abuse of power does not initially relate to gender or a specific industry. Cases from all areas of society – whether politics, gastronomy, startups, sports, theater, caregiving, volunteer work, police, or academia – are increasingly coming to light. So far, they are only discussed in a sector-specific manner and mostly as isolated incidents. The problem, according to Lena Marbacher, lies within the system of work and society. The conditions that enable abuse of power are almost always the same. A complacent environment is one of them.
Lena Marbacher relates several cases to each other and clarifies the structures of abuse of power. Her concern is to demonstrate how the conditions in society and organizations lead to abusive behavior and how they can be changed.
"Employment relationships are power relationships – many people feel this painfully. Lena Marbacher shows us how power structures can be dismantled if we have the courage to see, understand, and change them." Bettina Kohlrausch
"A radical book in the best sense." Mithu Sanyal