Ulan & Bator - "Undsinn"
The world is upside down. Is it possible to laugh about it without turning off our minds?
Is it possible to forget oneself in lightness without fleeing reality?
It is! Just experience Ulan & Bator. Their answer to any crisis of meaning is: Undsinn!
In case of crisis of meaning: Undsinn!
After Wirrklichkeit, Irreparabeln, and Zukunst, the new program of the two award-winning clowns among intellectuals, artists among comedians, Dadaists among jokers. An evening that stimulates both laughter muscles and mind equally.
"The heirs of Monty Python" (Süddeutsche Zeitung from May 27, 2024)
Only a few stage artists can be said to have created a completely unique art form. Ulan & Bator have been working on their "Krazy Kabarett" for more than 20 years and are unique in the German-speaking world. "In the realm of Undsinn," writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the occasion of the premiere at the Munich Lustspielhaus on May 25, 2024, "the real world is mirrored as an absurd, grotesque parody."
"A highlight of the season" (Münchner Abendzeitung from May 27, 2024)
Brilliant theatrical craftsmanship without recorded sound, light changes, and props – the joy of performing that Sebastian Rüger and Frank Smilgies unleash as Ulan & Bator on stage in scenes, songs, dances, and grotesques is already legendary. The new program also fascinates with musicality and an exhilarating tempo. As silly as they are demanding, the two actors constantly create new worlds, shimmering across all genres – a wonderfully ephemeral stage art that becomes experienceable in the moment between artists and audience.
"Ulan & Bator are too real to be crazy." (a fan)
A soothing middle finger towards digital recyclability, a counter against any AI, a delightful bow to the clever with breathtaking lasting effect.
What you can expect: ancient herb lament, high literature meets pine anesthesia, Wacken versus Siberia, striking echo, eels on the right edge, football in the poet's Olympus, TV talk from hell… and much more. Undsinn simply has to be experienced.