Woyzeck (16+)
Introduction 7:00 PM
After the drama fragment by Georg Büchner
State Theatre Württemberg-Hohenzollern Tübingen Reutlingen
Christiane Pohle: Direction
With Justin Hibbeler, Julia Staufer, Insa Jebens, Hannah Jaitner, Rolf Kindermann, Dennis Junge, Davíd Gavíria
Büchner's Woyzeck is seemingly known by everyone: Woyzeck is a soldier. His meager wages are not enough to support his girlfriend Marie and their child together. To supplement his income, he does menial tasks for his captain and offers his body for scientific experiments. As a plaything of the powerful, Woyzeck endures a daily life dictated by mockery, contempt, and violence. When his girlfriend Marie cheats on him, only fear and hate govern him – Woyzeck stabs his girlfriend. So far, the well-known plot. And yet the play in its original version is hardly tangible. For what is today called "Woyzeck" is a drama fragment left untitled by Büchner, consisting of about thirty unconnected scenes in different stages of draft. To stage "Woyzeck" therefore always means to reshape this material anew.
So what to do with "Woyzeck"? One could logically arrange the fragments, sort them by importance, and develop the main and supporting characters more thoroughly. Or – as Christiane Pohle has done in her production – one could systematically break the fragment down into its individual parts and play the body against the text with its physical presence. What remains in the end is a "Woyzeck" like you have certainly never seen before.
Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes, no intermission
Introduction: 7:00 PM